LABANOF is the Anthropological and Odontological Lab of the State University of Milan
Established in 1995 by the then senior professor Marco Grandi and Professor Cristina Cattaneo, LabAnOf (Laboratorio di Antropologia e Odontologia Forense), is part of Milan State University - Department of Biomedical Sciences for Health, Institute of Legal Medicine. At a later date, a second branch of the Laboratory, CAL (Collezione Antropologica LabAnOf) that houses LabAnOf’s vast anthropological collection was added to the original establishment. The Laboratory’s mission is that of teaching and tutoring, carrying out research, providing professional services and promoting public engagement, by embracing a variety of different scientific disciplines, such as anthropology, medicine, archaeology and forensic science. These disciplines are all aimed at achieving victim identification, the recognition and interpretation of signs related to criminal acts and of violence inflicted on both living and deceased victims in forensic, historical and archaeological contexts. These activities are geared towards the reconstruction of events that refer to both the recent and remote past in regards to the fate of human corpses and skeletal remains, in a criminalistic, judicial, humanitarian, crimes against humanity, historical and archaeological context

Our Area of Expertise